I’ve always heard of juicing, working out, Bikram
Yoga, eating healthy as ways to detox your body. All of those are good but
there are other ways to help rid your body of toxins and to increase energy.
These ways are becoming big on the health and wellness scene and for good
reason. I was introduced to these methods as I’m recovering from Lyme Disease
and a couple of coinfections which is a bacterial infection caused by a tic
bite and other biting insects. I went to several doctors before I found the one
that wanted to not only treat my symptoms but my entire body. I tell people
before you make an appointment to do anything below to get medical clearance
from your doctor or a health professional. A lot of times if you go to a
medical spa they have a questionnaire to fill out to see if you would be able
to receive these services. Also a lot of the medical spas and wellness centers
offer great deals on www.groupon.com
People are naturally scared or shy away from this
because of the nature of how you have to get the colon hydrotherapy or another
word for it is colonics. The benefits however are amazing as it helps your body
get rid of parasites, assists with leaky gut, constipation, rids your body of
waste that has been sitting for weeks or even months. Other benefits include
the healing of diarrhea, gas, bloating, hemorrhoids,
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), colitis, skin conditions such as psoriasis,
shingles, assists with the healing of certain chronic illnesses, eczema and
inability to lose weight.
Colon hydrotherapy cleanses the colon, hydrates your
body, reshapes the colon and exercises the colon muscles so it can perform
better. A lot of people who fast for example will get a colonic during that
period to help expel any waste. Also people who have chronic illnesses and are
on a lot of medications will get one periodically to help get the dead bacteria
out as it can cause toxins and bio films (which is the slime from dead
Colon Hydrotherapy Bed
So you’re probably asking, “How does it work?”:
It’s quite simple.
You find a reputable health and wellness
center or a doctor’s office that has a medical spa. A lot of integrative
doctors now offer colon hydrotherapy. Also make sure there is a certified colon
hydro therapist there and that the clinic or center is certified to even do
colon hydro therapies.
Ask for the pre and post instructions as
to what to eat and drink.
Go to the store and buy those grocery
items if you don’t have them. If you are like me you might be worn out the
first time you get one done.
Once you go to your appointment you will
be lead to a private room. If it’s like the one at my doctors office in
Washington, DC then it is dimly lit and quiet.
The equipment is shaped like a raised
bed as you can see from the image above and the person will walk you through
Once undressed from the bottom down you
get on the reclined bed and place a sheet over you and slowly insert the piece
(disposable speculum) that will expel water into your colon into your rectum.
(Be cautious, it does not go all the
way into your rectum). The colon hydro therapist will tell you how much to
insert which is a little more than the tip of the speculum.
The colon hydro therapist will then enter
the room when you are ready and turn the water on.
He/she will either leave and check on
your periodically and also to add more water to the system or some stay with
you and actually massage the area where your colon is (it’s up to your
discretion). Some even offer Castor oil packs to place on your colon (helps
with movement).
Most colon hydrotherapy sessions last
for 30 minutes. It might seem long but the benefits are amazing. You will
physically feel lighter after a session.
After your session you want to hydrate
yourself with something like coconut water because it has electrolytes. Keep
hydrating with it or something else that has natural sugar and electrolytes.
Also as I stated before be gentle with your eating and drink decaffeinated
herbal teas.
When you make your appointment they will tell you
what to do pre and post getting a colonic such as drinking a lot water (but not
two hours prior to appointment) you don’t want your bladder to be full and
afterwards you want to hydrate your body again, not to eat processed foods
(before or after), some don’t want you to eat raw foods afterwards like salads
or nuts. Eating gentle foods like lentil soup, sweet potatoes or drink herbal
teas afterwards for a few days. Your colon has just been cleaned out and you
want to be kind to it after getting a colonic.
Next we have the Far Infrared Sauna:
A lot of people are buying these for their homes and
they even have portable ones that are shaped like a bag on Amazon for as low as
$200.00. It’s not like your average sauna. The difference between a sauna and a
far infrared sauna is that an infrared sauna heats your body from the core
(1.5-2 inches deep) and produces the body’s cellular detoxification. It makes
you feel as if you have a fever and then after some time your body will sweat
the toxins out. They come in a variety of models, one is pictured below where
you can lay across the bench and some (which isn’t shown gives you just enough
room to sit up). Some people can only do 20 minutes (which is good to start
with and can go as long as 45 minutes).
Infrared Sauna |
A lot of health and wellness centers have these, integrative
doctors, chiropractic practices and now even some gyms have them. Again I would
advise that you consult your doctor. Especially if you have neurological
problems as your head is inside the wooden ones. If you get the portable one
then your head sticks out also if you are claustrophobic then you might not
want to use this for detoxification.
What are the other benefits of a Far Infrared
Relieves stress
Enhances immune system
Improves cardiovascular conditioning
Assist with weight management and lastly
Pain relief
I suffered from neuropathy in my right leg; it would
go from weak to severe pain for weeks. A few sessions in the infrared sauna and
aqua chi foot baths as well as other home remedies and my leg was back to
Chi Foot Bath:
This is not your average foot bath when you just
soak your feet in water so you feel good or to help take pain away. The
benefits are far beyond that. The Aqua Chi Foot Bath combines water with a
specialized electric charge. The negative ions created during your session are
similar to ones found in hot springs or natural charged water sources. There is
a piece of equipment (the module) that goes into the water first and after a
few minutes you put your feet in. The equipment is what creates the negative ions
(and don’t worry...you won’t get electrocuted). The module is attached to the
power pack which is placed away from the water. Most set the timers between
20-30 minutes depending on if it is your first time. Some may give you more
time if it is your first time and then less time as you return for more.
The key is the color the water turns. (Yes the water
turns colors). Below describes what the different
colors mean.
Color or Particle Material or Area of the Body Being Detoxified
Black Flecks--Heavy Metals
Brown--Liver, Tobacco, Cellular Debris
Dark Green--Gall Bladder
Red Flecks--Blood Clot Material
Cheese-Like Particles Most Likely Yeast
White Foam Mucous from Lymph System
Kidneys, Bladder, Urinary Tract, Female/Prostate Area
I was frightened at first because mine was a dark
brown color with some white and black speckles. It means that I have a lot of
cellular debris (between the herbs, supplements that caused the bacteria die
off in my case) was coming out. I also dealt with Candida which were the white
cheese like specks and the black are heavy metals or toxins. The more you go
depending on your health, the water might change colors. Some people are on lifelong
medications and may or may not see a huge difference in the water but they feel
more energized afterwards. In my case I felt tired after my first couple of
sessions and then by the third one I felt the energy throughout my whole body!
Some people choose to buy the aqua chi foot bath for
their homes. Google and look for a good brand. Ask around to see what worked
best for people or if you don’t want to buy one then you can always find a
place that offers this service. Don’t worry about how many people have used the
basin because with every session there is a liner placed inside and when you
are done the liner is thrown away.
There are various massages that assist with the
detoxification of your body. A massage will get the toxins to move around and
eventually out of your body. The one that I needed the most was a Lymph Drain
Massage to help with the assistance of my lymph system draining. Now some
people have asked me what is your lymph system and how important is it?
It is very important to your body. The lymphatic
system are vessels that move the fluid around your body and assist with keeping
harmful things such as toxins away from your cells. You actually have more
fluid in your body than blood so when a blockage appears it can cause a lot of
problems. For example I could feel the head pressure, tremors in my jaw, stiff
neck because the lymph nodes in my face and neck were not draining properly. I
felt very heavy headed as if I had a bad head cold. Some people feel pain
radiating through their body, stiffness, numbness, etc. Lymph drainage massage
helps keep the lymph system happy and healthy. You don’t have to be sick in
order to get this massage. Some people who are very healthy get this massage to
keep their body performing at its best. You want to make sure the massage
therapist knows how to do Lymph Drainage and some are even certified in this
Again before you do any of these things, do your
research, figure out what is best for your health and if you have a medical
condition then talk to your practitioner first or find a holistic/integrative
I hope I was able to shed some light on various ways
you can stay healthy or if you are trying to get better holistically. Stay
tuned for part 2 that discusses ways to detox at home. Here’s to a healthier
new you!
Serena Wills is not a health practitioner and only sharing what worked for her, you should consult a medical practitioner/integrative doctor before trying these, especially if you have a medical condition.